6 December
Computing Centre Interior, Darlington (1974 to 1975), [REF-00053981]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 06/12/2024, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/79233.
13 December
Anne Watt, Beth Wells, Anette Bonnefin with Movement Teacher David Spurgeon (No Date), [REF-00013267]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 13/12/2024, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/33142.

20 December
Female Students Wearing Hockey Tunics on a Rock Ledge by the Sea (1918), [REF-00046559]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 20/12/2024, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/80689.
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