10 January
Inter Faculty 5km Run (1989), [REF-00013628]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 10/01/2025, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/33548.
17 January
School of Medicine 2nd Graduation, 3rd Intake at the Anderson Stuart Building South Steps (1889), [REF-00013390]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 17/01/2025, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/33271.

24 January
Cartographer John Roberts in Map Library (1987), [REF-00093001]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 24/01/2025, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/146013.
31 January
Dr Bill Bubb and Professor Philip Kuchel with the Varian Xl 400 Superconducting NMR Spectrometer (1985), [REF-00012535]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 31/01/2025, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/30989.

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