7 June
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Technician Rob McGill with a Robot (1980), [REF-00014554]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 07/06/2024, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/34508.
14 June
Opening of the McGarvie Smith Animal Husbandry Farm at Badgerys Creek (1938), [REF-00054170]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 14/06/2024, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/79202.

21 June
Dr Peter Wenderoth Testing Student’s Response to Visual Stimuli (1986), [REF-00012735]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 21/06/2024, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/31194.
28 June
Asian Bar Restaurant in Wentworth Building (No Date), [REF-00088816]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 28/06/2024, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/141622.

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