4 October
Reference Desk, Fisher Library (1980s), [REF-00088228]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 04/10/2024, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/140952.
11 October
Camp to Observe the Transit of Venus from Lord Howe Island, Ex Russell Papers (1874), [REF-00045785]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 11/10/2024, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/80829.

18 October
Conservatorium of Music Composition Staff (No Date), [REF-00085355]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 18/10/2024, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/137555.
25 October
Interior of Physiology Lecture Theatre, Anderson Stuart Building (1900s), [REF-00053620]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 25/10/2024, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/79295.

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